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New access ramp for Port of Barbate
A new access ramp for light sailing vessels has been installed at Port of Barbate, in Cádiz, under the request of the Andalusian Public Ports Agency (APPA). Almarin has supplied and installed the new infrastructure, consisting of an aluminum ramp, 18 meters long and 3.7 meters wide, providing access to the floating dock, which is also aluminum and 12 meters in length. The gangway has been constructed and transported in a single piece.
The goal of the intervention has been to replace the previous fixed ramp, which was already deteriorated, and to install a new guiding system composed of a set of double aluminum radius arms that keep the distance to the shore fixed. The bracing of the system is completed with two slings in the shape of a St. Andrew's cross. This system avoids the use of piles, facilitating the maintenance of the installation, as well as its impact on the seabed.