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Lindley opens subsidiary in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Lindley continues to invest in internationalization, consolidating the expansion of its activity to the South America market. This Grupo Lindley company, specializing in the manufacture and installation of floating piers for marinas and ports, has created a subsidiary in Brazil based in Rio de Janeiro.
Lindley BR, an affiliate company of Lindley Portugal, will focus its activity in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of floating equipment, aids to navigation and port equipment. The activity of the Grupo Lindley in Brazil began in 2012 with a partnership with BR Marinas company for the design and construction of several floating pontoons intended to create more berths in marinas developed for that Brazilian company.
Since then and until nowadays several projects have been developed, currently standing out the redevelopment of Marina da Gloria in Rio de Janeiro. Besides this project, floating pontoons were installed in Bracuhy and Ribeira (Angra dos Reis - RJ), Itajaí (SC) for Constructora Viseu company and some private piers in dams. In addition, have been also provided buoys and lanterns to aids to navigation for some customers of the area.