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New jetty on the Tormes river
Within the framework of the development of the green corridor on both banks of the Tormes river, in Salamanca, for which Construcciones Martobar was awarded the contract, Almarin was the company in charge of supplying and installing a wooden jetty on the right bank of the river, in the southwestern area of El Marín. This new floating solution aims to revitalize that area of the river for recreational use and for canoeing, as well as fulfilling a function as a viewpoint for the western sector of the Tormes River.
The jetty, 10 meters long, is made of aluminum, in the same way as the access walkway, both of the Faro model from the manufacturer Lindley. The Salamanca City Council has chosen the same type of jetty as the one already existing at the Fábrica de la Luz. Aluminum cleats have also been installed for mooring the boats. These types of jetties are recommended for quiet areas.